Boost learning and delight your colleagues

Super-friendly for learners.

Easy and insightful for managers.

Brilliantly empowering for L&D.

two people shaking hands

Breeio learning management system puts people first. Find out more...

We put people
at the heart of
everything we do.

person using laptop

For you...

Powerful technology, expertly designed for the best human experience.

For managers...

Straightforward, tailored reporting with the insights managers need.

For your learners...

Super-friendly, personalised and visually appealing, Breeio makes learning easy and engaging.

With us as your expert partner...

We bring deep expertise through Acteon's 40 years of leading in learning.

"Breeio has streamlined everything that we've done in L&D."

Toshiba Europe

"It's so much easier to manage compliance
and personal development."

Holroyd Howe

"It's genuinely making learning enjoyable!"

Priory employee

"The Breeio team have been so proactive,
and they really partner with us."


Why Breeio?

Is Breeio the right LMS for you?

  • Everything you need (and no more) at your fingertips.
  • Built on expert understanding of learning needs.
  • Personal, friendly, accessible - for learners, managers and L&D teams
Find out more
two people laughing at a laptop
Smiling chemist

We'll be happy to show you around Breeio, and talk through your unique needs...

Book a demo

Breeio provides a powerful, flexible platform, configured with expert understanding of how to engage learners.

two people in a warehouse looking at an ipad
Download the Breeio Fact Sheet

Some of our bright customers...

Caterlink, UKTV, Cotswold, Geldards, HFT, Boots, Channel 4, Excelcare, Mowbray Partners, Holroyd Howe, Norsecare, 3i, Toshiba, Fletchers Group, Irwin Mitchell